
英语教学法原著选读12 自然顺序假说 下

2014-10-13 选译 武太白 武太白英语教学

本篇选自克拉申《第二语言习得的原则与实践(Principles and Practice in SLA)》第二章“第二语言习得理论”A节“有关第二语言习得的五个假说”第二个假说,武太白翻译。




While English is the best studied language, it is not the only one studied. Research in order of acquisition for other language is beginning to emerge. As yet unpublished papers by Bruce (1979), dealing with Russian as a foreign language, and van Naerssen (1981), for Spanish as a foreign language, confirm the validity of the natural order hypothesis for other languages.

We will deal with the pedagogical implications of the natural order hypothesis later, I should point out here, however, that the implication of the natural order hypothesis is not that our syllabi should be based on the order found in the studies discussed here, that is, I do not recommend teaching ing early and the third person singular /s/ late. We will, in fact, find reason to reject grammatical sequencing in all cases where our goal is language acquisition. We will deal with this later, however, after we have finished laying the theoretical groundwork.

(a) Transitional forms

Studies supporting the natural order hypothesis show only the order in which mature, or well-formed structures emerge. Other studies reveal the path acquirers take en route to mastery. (For a review, see Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, in press. Ravem, 1974; Milon, 1974; Gillis and Weber, 1976; Cancino, Rosansky, and Schumann, 1974; Wode, 1978 and Nelson, 1980 are some second language studies in this area.) There is surprising uniformity here as well--acquirers make very similar errors, termed developmental errors, while they are acquiring. For example, in acquiring English negation, many first and second language acquirers pass through a stage in which they place the negative marker outside the sentence, as in:
No Mom sharpen it. (from Klima and Bellugi's (1966)study of child L1 acquisition)and Not like it now. (from Ravem's (1974) study of childL2 acquisition)
A typical later stage is to place the negative marker between the subject and the verb, as in:
I no like this one. (Cancino et al. (1975) study of childL2 acquisition)and This no have calendar. (from Schumann's (1978a) study of adult L2 acquisition)

before reaching the correct form.

Predictable stages in the acquisition of wh-questions in English include an early stage in which the wh-word appears before the rest of the sentence, which is otherwise left in its normal uninverted form, as in:
How he can be a doctor? (Klima and Bellugi, 1966, child L1acquisition)and What she is doing? (Ravem, 1974, child L2 acquisition)

Only later do acquirers begin to invert the subject and verb of the sentence. (A detailed review can be found in Dulay et al., in press.)

Transitional forms have been described for other languages and for other structures. The stages for a given target language appear to be strikingly similar despite the first language of the acquirer (although particular first languages may influence the duration of certain stages; see Schumann, 1979). This uniformity is thought to reflect the operation of the natural language acquisition process that is part of all of us. (For a discussion of some of the current issues and controversies concerning the natural order hypothesis, see Krashen, 1981.)






No Mom sharpen it. (取自卡利玛和波路基1966年对儿童一语习得的研究)
Not like it now. (取自拉维姆1974年对儿童二语习得的研究)
I no like this one. (坎西诺等1975年对儿童二语习得的研究)
This no have calendar. (取自舒曼1978上对儿童二语习得的研究)

How he can be a doctor? (卡利玛和波路基1966年对儿童一语习得的研究)
What she is doing? (拉维姆1974年对儿童二语习得的研究)



